Sunday, August 17, 2014

Letter to my Children

To my children:

I was so excited this last month to be able to take the 4 of you on a road trip that I took when I was little. Your Aunt and I were so excited to show you and your cousins some new places, meet family and just have a good time enjoying each others company! We drove from Oklahoma to Michigan and back. We saw some Civil War battlefields, a bird sanctuary, the arch, lots and lots of corn fields.

We also saw Ulysses S Grant's home in St Louis. His wife grew up in the area. 

St Louis

We spent time with family, saw an awesome soccer match (Manchester United vs Real Madrid) and your Aunt was able to check an item off of her bucket list, with that one. Being able to see her favorite team, Man U, as well as see Cristiano Ronaldo play live, was something we never thought would happen. Being able to share that experience with the 4 of you, was awesome! My only regret is not bringing my big camera in with me.

Taking you by my grandparents old farmhouse, and seeing where my dad grew up, is a memory I will always remember. We then drove on to Lake Michigan. What fun that was! Even though the water was so cold, the 4 of you just played and played.

The next day we went to seen President Lincoln's home in Springfield, Il. For my sweet daughter, that was a difficult day. But my boys made the best of it. So proud of you boys that day.

Our final day we went through Laura Ingalls Wilder's home in Mansfield, MO. I was 12 years old the first time I saw her home. I still have the souvenir  I bought there when I was little in my room now. It was awesome to see it as an adult, and compare my memories from when I was little.

We made it home, after a week of travel. I was so sad to see it end. But am happy I was able to capture so many of our memories with my camera. I love the 4 of you so much! I look forward to planning another road trip with you and the rest of our family soon!



To follow through the blog circle, please click here. See you next month!


Terri Collins said...
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Terri Collins said...

What a great adventure for your kids, Jen!! They'll have those wonderful memories for a lifetime! And great pictures too!

Rebekah said...

What a fun time! I'm sure they'll remember this trip and will someday recreate it for their children.